The Blog: Our Latest Thinking

Brand Identity Blueprint: A Template for Designing a Relevant & Differentiated Brand
If you are a marketer, you have probably spent many hours defining and refining brand statements and know firsthand that writing a concise description of a brand’s go-to-market platform can be a real challenge.

Is Your Brand Platform Complete?
Strong brands don’t happen by accident, they require careful planning, nurturing and investment. A complete brand platform has three elements: value proposition, brand vision, brand positioning…

From Brand Strategy to Defining Moments
The gap between brand strategy and customer experience design can be daunting. Marketers connect their brands with customers through compelling positioning based on enduring benefits…

What’s in a Name? Six Reasons for Rebranding
Inevitably, most companies will someday face the decision of whether or not to rebrand. Here are six reasons why it may make sense. When hospitals, banks, tech companies, etc. combine, there are four naming options…

Brand Architecture: The Most Important Strategy Decisions Marketers Make
“Brand Architecture” refers to how an organization names and organizes its offerings. The goal is to cover as much of the market as possible with the least number of brands…

NPS: One Golden Ring to Rule Them All: Or Just Another Shiny Object?
Recently the WSJ published a scathing take down of the widely used, wildly popular, Net Promoter Score or NPS. In an article titled, “The Dubious Management Fad Sweeping Corporate America”, the authors suggest…

Strategic Marketing Planning: Lessons From the Princess Bride
Quick! Name a movie that features strategic planning. Chances are you’re thinking of The Italian Job or Ocean’s Eleven. For me, the movie that comes to mind is The Princess Bride…

Great Ideas Are Built On Insights, Not Algorithms
It is fashionable today to be a market research nay-sayer. Internal marketing research departments no longer carry the clout (or budgets) they once did. Work that used to be trusted to objective experienced professionals now is assigned to internal folks familiar with…

Positioning Challenger Brands: Six Success Stories
Challenger brands transform existing categories or create new ones by questioning the status quo and forcing leaders to change. Positioning is arguably more important for challenger brands entering existing categories than for 'breakthrough' brands…

Let’s talk.
We love talking with business leaders about their brands.